Core Differences Between Windows Phone 8 Vs Windows Phone 7 or 7.5

Following are some other noteworthy changes in upcoming Windows Phone 8 mobile OS.


1: Micros SD card support.

2: Allows users to communicate with other users over signals, a technology related to radio frequency!
3: NFC enabled 
4: New Internet Explorer 10, with advance features.
5: Microsoft wallet service, which will allow to store sensitive banking information.
6: Ability to save and store Nokia maps to be able to view them later when offline.

That is it for now folks, we shall look forward to see how this story builds, your feedback is appreciated.
Core Differences Between Windows Phone 8 Vs Windows Phone 7 or 7.5 Core Differences Between Windows Phone 8 Vs Windows Phone 7 or 7.5 Reviewed by Nitin Chikani on 17:13:00 Rating: 5

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